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A coffee that is a mainstay. This ethiopia is subtle & balanced. Tea-like flavours akin to rooibus & hibiscus, with hints of blueberry skin.


This exceptional Natural coffee was dry milled and exported by Primrose, PLC. The coffee was grown by smallholder farmers living around the kabele (town) of Haru Suke in Gedeo County, Yirgacheffe region.


Most contributing farmers own less than a hectare of land, and they grow coffee simply as a backyard cash crop. Coffee will usually be interspersed with other subsistence crops, such as sweet potato, mangos and avocados, but there are no other primary cash crops grown in the region.


Varieties of coffee grown here are traditionally referred to as ‘heirloom’ by exporters – a catchall terminology which often masks the wide assortment of varieties that may be present within various regions…even, within farms. Many of these varieties will have been developed by Ethiopia’s Jimma Agricultural Resarch Centre (JARC), which, since the late 1960s, has worked to develop resistant and tasty varieties for the Ethiopian coffee industry and also to provide the agricultural extension training needed to cultivate them. The dual factors of Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) forced anonymisation of lots (see below) combined with the relatively low awareness of formal variety names outside Ethiopia has meant that the JARC’s work has historically been under-recognised by specialty importers and roasters, but a new book issued by Counter Culture Coffee in the USA (2018/19) has drawn new attention to the topic, and rightly so.


Thoughtfully roasted upon order & delivered to you.


ORIGIN : Ethiopia

FARM : Haru Suke

PRODUCER : Primrose S.P. PLC

VARIETAL : Regional Heirloom, JARC 74 Selections


M.A.S.L. : 2200m


PROFILE : Hibiscus, Rooibos Tea, Blueberry

AMOUNT : 200g


Remember! Tasting notes are just opinions!

Ethiopia // Haru Suke // Natural

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